I got into cyber – I got into cyber through my career at the National Security Agency. It was fascinating to see this thing called the “internet” grow into an environment that everyone in the world began to use and rely on.
A positive cyber mindset is – For me, a positive cyber mindset is definitely one of perseverance – which is always my answer to almost anything – and curiosity.
The experience that set me up for success – Definitely getting a Master’s degree focused on digital signal processing was beneficial in understanding the cyber environment but what really set me up for success were the leaders, mentors, and people I had the privilege to work with. We were all focused on the mission and helped each other succeed.
My top tip to those interested in transitioning to a career in cybersecurity is – My top tip to those transitioning to a career in cyber is don’t give up! If you need help, reach out. After all, we all stand on the shoulders of those great people that came before us and helped us get there. PS. You can reach me on LinkedIn!
My recommended read – My recommended read is long! I loved Ghost Fleet by P.W. Singer, CODE GIRLS by Liza Mundy, and just about everything that Andy Greenberg has written. His latest book, Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency is fascinating!
What I most want to be remembered for is – living a life of significance because what matters most is how you enrich, empower, and encourage others along your journey!