Uniting Women In Cyber 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022
8:00 AM

Join the conversations about workforce advancement in cybersecurity, how to attract non-traditional talent and build inclusive workplaces, as well as discussions about government agency legacies that support growth in cybersecurity, and the collective responsibility society shares in incorporating cyber in the everyday fabric of life.

Uniting Women in Cyber, the premier annual event hosted by The Cyber Guild, is a flagship event that welcomes and unites individuals from all walks of life, stages in their careers, and career interests, in cybersecurity. Cyber is everywhere and our security, from a national to a personal perspective, whether privatizing data or shifting a collective “ripe for the taking” mindset through dis/information,- should be of paramount importance and is central to how we should educate this and future generations.

UWIC ’22 “Stronger Together” will focus on workforce advancement and security (national and personal) from both industry and government perspectives.  We will discuss the benefits of including non-traditional talent and the importance of psychological safety, as well as discuss government agencies and leading industry cybersecurity agendas 

This event will unpack the human considerations around our culture and societal norms, transitioning paths for professionals, developing non-traditional talent, and unearthing mindsets that will enable change and growth.

👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓We look forward to welcoming students at UWIC. If you are a student interested in attending the event, please contact Elizabeth at EJimenez@thecyberguild.org for student tickets. 


The UWIC attendees are made up of career professionals, executives, and students from both public and private sectors, currently engaged in the cybersecurity agenda or profession, or those interested in exploring cyber security as a meaningful career. 

Early Bird Tickets are available until July 31st, purchase before July 31 to take advantage of our Early Bird pricing. 

Need Assistance?

Should you have any questions please reach out to the UWIC event team The Prism at Romina@bytheprism.com.

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