Making the Most of Tight Budgets: Key Cybersecurity Risk Levers

Capital building with wheel cogs colored in purple

Cybersecurity professionals everywhere find themselves in a precarious situation, grappling with two major forces that will continue into 2023: These challenges are common among my clients. Many of them are looking for ways to address financial scarcity while trying to protect their organizations from evolving global threats. I’m advising them to leverage cybersecurity risk levers […]

Cybersecurity Budget Redux

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It’s that time of year again: budget season. And as organization stakeholders look ahead to 2023, cybersecurity might not be at the top of their budget priorities, despite research showing evidence that cybercriminals can penetrate 93% of company networks. Getting buy-in from all company leaders is the best way to build a robust cybersecurity strategy, […]

How to Budget the Right Amount to Address your Cyber Posture

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According to a study released by Deloitte (FS-ISAC/Deloitte Cyber & Strategic Risk Services CISO Survey Reports; 2019 and 2020; Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis), the average company will spend somewhere between 6% and 14% of their annual IT budget on cybersecurity. Moreover, according to Deloitte, the average annual security spending per employee increased from $2,337 in 2019 […]

A Pocket Guide to Risk and Compliance Automation

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You don’t have to be an expert to know that risk management and corporate compliance are different things. Risk management refers to events that can result in some unexpected or undesirable consequence, and how your organization keeps those threats at bay. Corporate compliance is about conforming your business operations to various rules or requirements set […]