If You Think Cyber Compliance is Expensive, Try Non-Compliance

Cyber compliance is a hot topic in light of the new SEC rules going into effect at the end of this year. Many companies have waited to implement a program, but now is the time to focus and engage! How to Create a Program In Top Cyber News Magazine, the August 2022 issue, I discussed “Effective Cyber Compliance” and the […]
Let’s Talk Consent in Cyber Monitoring

When Chief Information Security Officers (CISO), or anyone in the technology and cybersecurity sector, hear the term “cyber monitoring,” they think the same thing. It brings to mind companies that are tracking internal systems to look for anomalies that occur in an internal system: things like visiting unauthorized websites or accessing confidential files. But in […]
A Strong National Cyber Strategy is Good– Even If You Disagree With It

The White House released the National Cybersecurity Strategy in early March 2023. It articulates a clear vision for a desirable end-state, the principles that should guide cybersecurity policy to achieve that end-state, and concrete objectives that will demonstrate progress towards that goal. The Office of the National Cyber Director and the National Security Council staff […]
Invisible Data: Raise the Bar on the Cyberspace Attacker

The new National Cybersecurity Strategy from the White House has recently been published. There are undoubtedly controversial recommendations, such as calls for the imposition of liability for insecure software products and services and the increase of military support of private cybersecurity, and I look forward to those debates. I praise the National Cybersecurity Strategy for […]